Thursday, March 17, 2011

Birds of Wisconsin

Birds of Wisconsin
B.J. Best's collection of poetry, Birds of Wisconsin can be divided in to three sections: Instructions on Flying, The Prayers of Birds, and Instructions on Landing of birds. On "Instructions on Landing," section he introduces Gromme the painter and the conflicts of the birds and the conflict of Gromme with different outside entities. The poems are written from the perspective of different kinds of birds, explaining specific characteristics that could be observed about the birds by anybody. There is a nice flow in the book, and the sections are most appropriately ordered. The author looked inside the birds. His poems can make emotional moments between the reader and the birds. It is something any one can relate to. He personified birds in a way that anybody could relate to. The poet unifies and forms a complete, coherent imagery in the eyes of readers within. In most poems there is lack of unified imagery but in these poems all of the imagery is imparted to the reader, each is well-made, and they fit and work together. The author takes his observations to a much deeper place where science and physiology merge with animal instinct. The book is divided into three parts, the first and last of roughly equal length. The first part of the poems explores the concept of flight, the ways in which humans attempt to dissect and mimic. The third section examines "landing," .The second section of Birds of Wisconsin, titled "The Prayers of Birds," stands out from the rest, and it is the most simplistic of the rest of the poems.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

sample letter of withdrawl

Dear Academic Affairs Committee,
I hereby appeal for an exception to MSU academic policy regarding withdrawal deadline. I am aware that MSU’s policy applies to all MSU students, but I believe that an exception should be made for me for the following reasons. I couldn’t withdraw from Organic Chemistry (Chem360) class before the deadline because the school’s computer network system was down at my dorm. I couldn’t go to the registrar office and fill out the withdrawal form because the school was closed due to severe weather condition on the week I was trying to withdraw from the course, which was the last week of withdrawal (01/15/2011). I waited until the last week because I wanted to talk to my professor before I withdrew from the class. Despite my continuous attempt, I couldn’t meet my professor due to his tight schedule. I would like to request the school to consider the circumstances and withdraw my name from the course.

Thank you for your attention,
Mulatu Lakew

Friday, March 4, 2011

publishing business

The articles on small publishing were helpful for those who wanted to have small publishing house in the future. The guest speaker also shared his experiences from New River’s press about the costs of publishing. From the Articles on publishing I have learnt the importance of collaboration in publishing business, the short comings of outsourcing publishing business, the effect of the economy on publishing industries, giving opportunities for young students to run publishing business.
From the article, “Six Small Houses and Their Youth Brigade” I have learned the importance of collaboration in publishing business “they kept bringing the idea of poetry collective back to the group.” Said Ehret. Finally group members and friend Susan Sibbit, who was close to having her own manuscript finished, became interested and started the press. After all the two women knew they couldn’t do it alone. They knew that if they persuaded the most urdent cynic of their group Carolyn Mille, to join them they could launch the collective and more easily convince others to come to abroad.” They clearly have long history together; they can speak to each other constructively when things are difficult which I think is extremely difficult but extremely important.”
Collaboration is crucial to succeed in publishing business. People who have the experience in publishing and editing but don’t have the money can bring their money together and be able to afford at least small publishing houses. They can have enough money for obtaining a business license, for buying printing machines, for obtaining a message phone and post office box, for funding the design of the first three books. If they got argument on issues, they can vote on it.
I asked the guest speaker about outsourcing publishing business to offshore for the sake of saving in publishing cost like other industries. The guest speaker answered my question briefly. We have to consider other costs such as transportation cost for transporting books from abroad to USA. Since paper is a heavy material, the cost to transport books will be expensive. He also mentioned the issue related to time. There will be a delay to deliver ordered books in timely manner. He stressed getting ordered books on time for readers is very crucial in publishing business, because distributors will be annoyed if they don’t get the books on timely manner. I have found the guest speakers responses very helpful. The guest speaker also stated that there are authors from other countries who published their books in USA and there are also editors who live abroad and edit books from their home. I found this interesting. If I write a book, I can have someone edit my work cheaper abroad. I expect the possibilities of publishing business to be more international in the near future.
From “Six Small Houses and Their young Brigade” I have learned the need for publishers and literary organizations to develop a new generation of people in leadership roles in the nonprofit sector of the publishing industry. Obrien’s emphasize the effort can begin with summer internship for high school students. I have learned that for the sake of future publishing success it is vital to give opportunities for young students.

print on demand

From the readings, “Independent Press” by Mary Cannon and New “Rivers Press History” by C.W. Truesdale and the guest speaker, Thom Tammaro, I have learned how to submit manuscripts to small press, the advantages of print on demand, the possibility of learning how to print books using instruction manuals, and the importance of giving opportunities for new and emerging authors for development of literary works.
The article “Independent Press” by Mary Canon advised on how to submit a manuscript to small press. Before submitting a manuscript an author should check the type of books the press publishes, follow the publisher’s submitting guidelines, write a short query letter, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope, keep records, and respond to the publishers’ inquiry in a timely manner. I learned from wasting my time and money by submitting my manuscripts to publishers that don’t fit my work. The International Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses have a list of small press publishers with their information. I will never send my original manuscripts to a publisher because some publishers don’t send manuscripts back. From the Article “Independent Press”, I have learned publishers look for literature that has a potential to expand and change the way we see the world and those around us. If a manuscript has grammatical errors, editors will get rid of it; therefore writers should check carefully for any grammatical errors before submitting their manuscripts.
The guest speaker from New Rivers Press talked about print on demand. It is a printing technology and business process in which new copies of a book are not printed until an order has been received. Print on Demand developed only after digital printing began, because it was not economical to print single copies using traditional printing technology such as letterpress and offset printing. The guest speaker told us the advantages of print on demand. Print on demand has many advantages such as technical set-up, which is usually quicker than offset printing. Large inventories of a book or print material do not need to be kept in stock, reducing storage, handling costs, and inventory accounting costs. There is little loss from unsold products.
From C.W Trousdale, New Rivers press founder, I have learned how to start printing business. “at the time I knew nothing about printing, had never heard of letter press or offset lithography, and had certainly never even thought about actually getting involved in printing. But being my father’s son I swallowed that particular hook.” Trousdale learned printing by reading instructions that came with the printing machine. From this reading I have learned that one can learn printing easily by reading instruction manual.
It is important to give opportunities for new and emerging authors, because new authors can bring enormous kinds of new subjects. Since it is so hard to get published in these days, it will be hard for new authors to become authors. New River Press opened doors for many authors who otherwise will give up.

designing book cover

Designing a book
From the guest speakers and the articles, I have learned Ways to advertise a book to fans, strategies in marketing books, tips in designing book websites and book covers.
As the “Practical Writer” suggests, an author should take advantages of the social Medias such as Facebook, twitter, and blogs. Advertising books using social Medias is a required marketing tool. Social Medias are a great way to get new fans and keep connected with existing fans. When using these sites an author should participate on regular basis. It is also advisable an author run his own sites in case he changes a publisher.
As “The Practical Writer” suggests an author should consider the fans that are interested on the subject of the book. This gives a site focus and direction. When building a website, an author should consider the audience than evoking the emotional content of the book. He should put some unique thing on his website other related websites do not have to attract fans. For example games, reader’s feedback, and photo gallery are great attraction tools. They give a site a high demand. Web users will remember the site and check back again.
Book designing is a serious task. When designing a book, designers should consider the size of the page, line length, style of headings, page numbers. The wrong paper choice san completely wrecks a book. The contrast should be adjusted otherwise a reader might get tired of reading the book and blame the author. From the guest speakers’ point of view, there is a lot of artistic in designing a book. The format on the cover of a book should be analyzed well. This is a novel idea to design a good book. Images can speak more than words. An author should Design a book cover with an image that glorifies the content of the book.
As the guest speakers stated, people judge a book by its cover. Create a book cover or dust jacket worthy of the words inside the pages of the book. The book cover has become one of the most important selling components. Over half of booksellers feel the cover design is the most important component. It is a fact, that the front cover of a book is what draws the initial attention of buyers. If the buyer doesn’t like the cover, he won’t look inside the book. The title, size and clarity of the texts, the colors, and the size of the book are important in selling a book. We should make sure the title not only represents the books contents, but is clear and comprehendible to the potential buyer. If there are two books at a book stand, both with the same information and one have a great design on the cover, the other has no design; people will choose the book with best cover.

day time saving 2011

Dear Lak Natrukal,

Yesterday I was late to work. I should start working 9:00AM but instead I get in to work late 10:00AM which was an hour late. When you told me that I was late I argued with you. Because I thought I wasn’t late. This all happened because day light saving time.
I am originally from Ethiopia. It has been only two months since I came to U.S. In my country there is no daylight saving time change since Ethiopia is located at the equator where there is sunshine all the year around and the day and night are almost both 12 hours long therefore there is no need to adjust the time all the year round. Since US is located in Northern hemisphere, the time should be adjusted twice a year.
I should have explained this fact to you than ignoring you. But now after my friend told me that I have to adjust my clock. I knew. I was an hour late. I would like to apologize for misunderstanding and for being late. I appreciate your patient. Now I knew that day light saving start in the second Sunday of March and end in the first Sunday of November of each year.

Warmest regards,
Mulatu Lakew

New river press history

From the readings, “Independent Press” by Mary Cannon and New “Rivers Press History” by C.W. Truesdale and the guest speaker, Thom Tammaro, I have learned how to submit manuscripts to small press, the advantages of print on demand, the possibility of learning how to print books using instruction manuals, and the importance of giving opportunities for new and emerging authors for development of literary works.
The article “Independent Press” by Mary Canon advised on how to submit a manuscript to small press. Before submitting a manuscript an author should check the type of books the press publishes, follow the publisher’s submitting guidelines, write a short query letter, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope, keep records, and respond to the publishers’ inquiry in a timely manner. I learned from wasting my time and money by submitting my manuscripts to publishers that don’t fit my work. The International Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses have a list of small press publishers with their information. I will never send my original manuscripts to a publisher because some publishers don’t send manuscripts back. From the Article “Independent Press”, I have learned publishers look for literature that has a potential to expand and change the way we see the world and those around us. If a manuscript has grammatical errors, editors will get rid of it; therefore writers should check carefully for any grammatical errors before submitting their manuscripts.
The guest speaker from New Rivers Press talked about print on demand. It is a printing technology and business process in which new copies of a book are not printed until an order has been received. Print on Demand developed only after digital printing began, because it was not economical to print single copies using traditional printing technology such as letterpress and offset printing. The guest speaker told us the advantages of print on demand. Print on demand has many advantages such as technical set-up, which is usually quicker than offset printing. Large inventories of a book or print material do not need to be kept in stock, reducing storage, handling costs, and inventory accounting costs. There is little loss from unsold products.
From C.W Trousdale, New Rivers press founder, I have learned how to start printing business. “at the time I knew nothing about printing, had never heard of letter press or offset lithography, and had certainly never even thought about actually getting involved in printing. But being my father’s son I swallowed that particular hook.” Trousdale learned printing by reading instructions that came with the printing machine. From this reading I have learned that one can learn printing easily by reading instruction manual.
It is important to give opportunities for new and emerging authors, because new authors can bring enormous kinds of new subjects. Since it is so hard to get published in these days, it will be hard for new authors to become authors. New River Press opened doors for many authors who otherwise will give up.